Design & Consultation
View images of just a few of JSM’s customized BHS designs and consultation efforts for airports of every size and capacity, from local to international.
Recapitalization/Optimization for Tampa International Airport’s existing Check Baggage Inspection System (CBIS)
JSM & Associates was engaged as the OAR to manage the design and construction of the check baggage inspection system (CBIS)
BHS Design Consultant services for the Optimization and Capitalization of the Outbound Check Baggage Inspection Systems for Central and South Terminals.
BHS Design Services for check baggage inspection and mini-inline check baggage inspection systems.

Operations & Maintenance
Examine real-world examples of our operations and maintenance services, and how they help to ensure lasting BHS quality, integrity and efficiency.
JSM Airport Services was awarded the Maintenance & Repair Contract for the Baggage Handling System at CVG.
BHS Operations, Maintenance & Management
Passenger Boarding Bridge, PC Air & GPU Maintenance & Management
BHS Operations, Maintenance & Management
Passenger Boarding Bridge, PC Air & GPU Maintenance & Management